How To Avoid Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery through Natural Treatments

When my ex-husband told me he was being scheduled for Coronary Bypass Surgery, I was shaken.

My first go to in situations like these is always Dr. Mercola, a brilliant naturalpath who has researched everything. His article entitled, Novel Treatments for Heart Disease led me to the work of Dr. Thomas Cowan, author of Human Heart, Cosmic Heart, who recommends increased water, earthing, human contact, Strophanthin and EECP. (Enhanced External Counter Propulsion

There's a ton of information online about EECP. Here's one article that pretty much tells the whole story, written in 2008 in Life Extensions Magazine.

I decided to experience EECP myself. I was fortunate that Global Cardio Care Center was right near me in Los Angeles, and they offer a free first treatment of EECP, and a relatively low cost cash price for treatments after that. ($70 per session). Sara Soulati is one of the foremost pioneers of EECP, and there's a lot of information on her site about the therapeutic benefits which I can attest to. After my initial treatment, I lost a pound of body weight, lowered my blood pressure, and experienced increased energy and mental clarity. EECP has a detoxifying effect. It's amazing what a little extra energy going to your heart can do!

I wrote a post on asking about natural remedies for Coronary Artery Disease, and someone set me a link to this video of Sanjay Gupta investigating Coronary Artery Disease in a CNN documentary discussing the work of Dr. Esselstyn,who, like Dr. Dean Ornish, recommends a plant based, whole grain, almost oil free diet. (except for the healthy fats!).

Another responder reminded me of this herbal remedy that James had already been using for several years after he was first alerted that he was going to drop dead any minute due to the severity of his blockage:

150 ml each:  ginger juice, garlic juice, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar; boiled all together for 10 minutes. 25 ml of the remedy is taken with 100 ml of water on empty stomach for 21 days. No other food for 45 minutes. Plus 30–40 minutes of normal walking daily. 

On 22nd day this respondent returned to the hospital to find his heart was ok. The doctor told him that his original test was probably faulty. 

I've written this article to keep all the information that I've gathered in one place, and in the hopes that this information can help someone else who is thinking about invasive cardiac bypass surgery or angioplasty or stents, when, there is a whole lot of cardiac surgeons that have come to the conclusion that these invasive treatments are unnecessary, and that diet, exercise, medication, and EECP are more effective to reverse heart disease and prevent heart attack and stroke. 


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